Lecture by Kim TallBear: Identity is a Poor Substitute For Relating
OnlineKim TallBear will speak on "Identity is a Poor Substitute For Relating: Genetics, Critical Polyamory, and Property." TallBear is Associate Professor, Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Environment. She is building a research hub in Indigenous Science, Technology, and Society. TallBear is author of [...]
Youtube.com/ChasingTheDreamPBSNEW AMERICAN DREAM Five Weeks of Virtual Town Halls On Disrupting Systemic Racism & Envisioning the Nation Beyond It A WNET Summit Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm April 28-May 26, 2021 Youtube.com/ChasingTheDreamPBS What have the first two decades of the 21stCentury taught us about systemic racism in the United States, and what new visions of [...]
Settler Science and Alien Contact
OnlineJoin us for a conversation celebrating the publication of AICRJ’s special issue on Settler Science, Alien Contact and Searches for Intelligence. Featuring author interviews by guest editors David Shorter and Kim TallBear, brief talks by contributors, and a creative reading by Kim TallBear, this event will take you “where few settler academics have gone before.” You [...]
Hawthorn Lecture: “Close Encounters of the Colonial Kind” with Dr. Kim TallBear
Frederic Wood Theatre 6354 Crescent Rd, Vancouver, BC, Canada“Close Encounters of the Colonial Kind”
This talk is spoken in the voice of IZ, which represents the evolving field that began as American Indian or Native American studies in the USA in the second half of the 20th century. Today, Critical Indigenous Studies brings together multiple Indigenous self-determination and sovereignty political movements around the world as they intellectually engage the academy. As Aileen Moreton-Robinson writes, “Indigenous-centered approaches to knowledge production are thriving” globally in the 21st century. Our “object of study is colonizing power in its multiple forms, whether the gaze is on Indigenous issues or on Western knowledge production.” In this talk, Kim TallBear’s object of study and critical polydisciplinamorous engagement is a scientist character who searches for signs of “intelligent” life off-Earth.