May 5, 2021 @ 5:00 AM - 6:30 PM EDT
| FreeNEW
Five Weeks of Virtual Town Halls
On Disrupting Systemic Racism &
Envisioning the Nation Beyond It
A WNET Summit
Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm
April 28-May 26, 2021
What have the first two decades of the 21stCentury taught us about systemic racism in the United States, and what new visions of democracy and racial justice are needed to reclaim, revitalize, and redefine the AmericanDream?
New American Dream is a five-week series of virtual forums that will gather thought leaders from across the country to discuss the impact of white supremacy and state-backed racism on America today. The event will also explore ways tomake the nation’s policies and culture more accountable toits democratic ideals.
The summit will examine systemic racism in relation to five pillars of contemporary society: voting rights, technoscience, journalism, antiracism, and cultural narrative. The focus is on strategies and solidarity, with anunderstanding of history and eyes toward the future.
New American Dream is presented by WNET, America’s flagship PBS station, as the second in a series of virtual town halls curated to engage diverse communities around issuesthat affect the lives of people throughout New York City andacross the United States.
Curated by Brian Tate