National Science Challenges
May 8, 2017 - May 10, 2017
Panel: Who owns biodiversity genetic data?
Panellists: Kim TallBear (Associate Professor, University of Alberta), Aroha Mead (Chair Emeritus IUCN CEESP), Peter Dearden (Professor, University of Otago), Tammy Steeves (Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury)
Decolonizing science and technology
Dr Kim TallBear, University of Alberta
Indigenous peoples are usually at the receiving end of the scientific gaze. Biomedical and policy interventions aimed at indigenous populations have often been structured by colonial world views. This talk highlights indigenous resistance to colonial research, and both researchers and indigenous peoples’ efforts to transform scientific research, technology development and training in order to increase the benefit of technoscience for indigenous peoples. It also highlights indigenous governance of and through technoscience.